Prepare Oral Rehydration Solutions at Home

Oral rehydration solutions containing salt and glucose are used to treat a dehydrated patient or to replace the water and minerals a body loose during sports and exercise.

Experts claim that a human intestine exchanges more than 20 liters of water in a day, this is how the minerals, nutrients and digested food in bloodstream and almost the same amount of water that is 20 liters is secreted through the intestinal wall.

Dehydration means excessive loss of water and electrolytes from body. Oral rehydration solution is a combination of dry salt mixed with clean water. Oral rehydration solution helps to replace the fluid loss of the body. A person can suffer dehydration because of heat, diarrhea, shock, vomiting, exercise and other conditions.

If you are exercising for half an hour, drinking plan water is sufficient for your body needs. However, for more vigorous exercise or longer hour exercise you need to add salt to water. This is the simplest oral rehydration solution. The mixture of salt and water helps replace the sodium deficiency in your body.

Glucose acts as a catalyst to speed up the metabolic activity, helps in transporting and absorbing sodium through the intestinal wall. Glucose also helps in replacing carbohydrates loss during exercise. Moreover, glucose makes the drink taste better and it is easy to drink more fluid.

In case of very severe dehydration there is possibility of potassium loss; it is the reason that oral rehydration solution contains potassium along with salt and glucose.

For a dehydrated patient and in some cases of diarrhea especially when there is no medical formula available, oral rehydration solution is the best remedy. Oral rehydration solution provides water, electrolytes and water to the body.

You can prepare an oral rehydration solution by your own in home. Following are the few easy steps to prepare an ORS at home.

1- Get one liter of clean water and boil it, boiling the water will make it sterile and kill bacteria and other contaminating agents in water.

2- Add a small quantity of table salt to the boiled water. Stir the solution well so that table salt can be dissolved fully in the water.

3- Now add some sugar to the solution and stir it again so that sugar could be dissolved in it. Your Oral rehydration solution is ready to consume. It may not take well but could help recovering a dehydrated patient.

This is very common to experience dehydration when fall prey to intestinal virus. Thus you need to implement effective oral rehydration process to recover from the illness.

However, this is recommended to consult a physician in case when you observe dehydration symptoms like fatigue, chills, loss of appetite, dry skin and dark color urine. Also a physician must be consulted when diarrhea or vomiting persist for longer time.

To get the better oral rehydration solution, you can consider going for the online stores and website that provide these solutions. It will not take much time but the better solution can be availed for sure. One of the best websites in this concern is Supply of Survival Gear Shop from where you can get best oral rehydration solution.

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